
Avast! There be reviews ahead!

Yarr, me harties!  It be International Talk Like a Pirate Day!  There be much ta do around ye old intARRnet today.

First!  Cap'n Scruffbeard Coulter has fangled a rich man's contraption out of his wits, a bit of fluff and a lot of rum.  If you scrawl your handle and thoughts on Twitter, than stop over to http://tweetlikeapirate.com/ and play along.  The squeezebox waits for no man to dance.

Second!  I've spent too much time in front of the land lubber contraption known as the "television."  It's siren call is nigh impossible to resist.  But some nice folk have offered me rum and the love of a buxom woman were I to put pen to parchment and relay my thoughts on these "programs."

To that end, there are a few reviews of Charlie Jade up, please stop by and read them.  I'm also doing reviews on the first couple Fringe episodes, make sure to stay tuned.


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