So not much more to say about that, I just took a bunch of pictures last night and wanted to get one or two of them up. I'm also mentioning that this site is growing to the point that one page hit per day and Geocities shuts it down, so I'm planning on moving all to my comic book page in a arduous, painfull process that may involve dissolving this page altogether and starting over. I'm going to keep all the pictures of course, they being a great chronicle of Rowan's growing up, but there's just too much here, it's too spread out, and it's too big for a free site anymore. There may not be room over on the comics page either, but I'll have to test that out. I honestly don't know how many people visit here so it's hard to take that into account, whether to foot the bill for another page or not.
With that being said, I'm also going to try an reinstate some more current entries into AutoNeurotica and the Life In Austin section. Cheryl and I haven't done a whole lot that requires many updates, the holidays and family responsibilites sapping our play funds (and frankly, pictures and stories of us going to the movies probably isn't going to thrill audiences) so while I'll try to keep some content in there, don't expect it all to be Pulitzer material. And the teacher section is a slow bit too, I haven't had anything from The Teacher in a while, but that will also be moving over. I'm sure the page will get a new look, new navigation, new everything. I'm even considering doing a weekly comic strip about something. I was thinking either Parenting, Sci-Fi geekness, Comic Book geekness, Tech Support jobs or all of the above. I don't have the time, manpower or funds to make this a hot, topic rich, all in one search engine, trivia, webhosting, wallpaper, news feed kinda site, but I try to keep it entertaining. So, look for some changes and I promise to keep it updated here.